Albany Young Marines

Albany Young Marines


About Us

The Albany Young Marines is a local youth program for boys and girls and is run 100% by community volunteers including parents, Marines and other volunteers. The youth are between the ages of 8 and 17. We are a 501(c)3 organization and our EIN is 38-2346425, we are a tax exempt non-profit since 1981.

The Albany Young Marines was awarded the 2024 Non-Profit of the Year for the Albany Area Chamber of Commerce.

Our mission is:
- make a positive impact on youth and families in the Albany/Dougherty County Area.
- develop youth to be responsible citizens locally and give back through community service.
- promote a healthy drug-free lifestyle for families and others that they can influence.

Our goals for the Albany/Dougherty County area include:
- grow the number of youths in the program
- complete more than 500 community services hours per year
- complete 12 hours of drug reduction training per youth for the year.

We are looking for ways to support our community organizations and our local veterans. Please let us know how we can help you!

Semper Fidelis - Building tomorrow's leaders today!

Video Media


Albany Young Marines
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