Stewbos Group

Restaurants, Food and EntertainmentRESTAURANTS
Hours differ per location. Call: 229.496.1185
About Us
In the hospitality industry, growth is generated two ways: boosting sales and opening new locations. At Stewbos, we’ve managed to do both by establishing profitable locations first, then steadily adding to our brand inventory.
Harvest Moon started with about 20 full- and part-time employees; now, including our seasonal and catering workforce, Stewbos puts about 200 community residents to work. Among our valued staff are people of all ages and credentials who come from diverse backgrounds, including people with special needs.
Stewbos has since added The Catch Seafood Room & Oyster Bar, Henry Campbell’s Steakhouse, Merry Acres Inn, Merry Acres Event Center & Catering, Manor House Pub and Shackelford House to its portfolio. As such, our socioeconomic impact on Albany and Southwest Georgia is far-reaching. In addition to providing paychecks that feed families and pump money into the economy, Stewbos has business relationships with food brokers, beverage brokers, equipment technicians, event planners and many others. No wonder we were selected the Albany Area Chamber of Commerce’s Small Business of the Year.